Serial 16 channel second command does not work


i’m trying to work with a serial 16 port servo controller in pololu mode.

I’m using absolute positioning, the first command i send to the servo controller works, the servo is reacting and moving. When i send the second command (after 5 seconds) it doesn’t work nothing is happening.

Here is the code i’m using:

 * Small program to test servo functonality

#define SERIALPORT "/dev/ttyUSB0"
#define BAUDRATE B9600
#include <unistd.h>     // sleep
#include <termios.h>    // serial
#include <fcntl.h>      // serial
#include <sys/signal.h> // events
#include <sys/types.h>  // events
#include <stdlib.h>     // atof
#include <stdio.h>

int main(){
     	struct termios tty;      // will be used for new port settings
	struct termios oldtty;
	int fd_serial;

	fd_serial = open(SERIALPORT, O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY ); 
     	if (fd_serial < 0) {
          	printf("port open failed\n");
		return 1;;
	tcgetattr(fd_serial, &oldtty);      // save current port settings
        // then set the baud rate, handshaking and a few other settings
    	tty.c_iflag = 0;
     	tty.c_lflag = 0;      // set input mode (non-canonical, no echo,.)
     	tty.c_oflag = 0;
     	tty.c_cflag = BAUDRATE | CS8 | CLOCAL;
     	tty.c_cc[VTIME] = 0;      // inter-character timer unused
     	tty.c_cc[VMIN] = 0;      // blocking read until first char received

     	tcflush(fd_serial, TCIFLUSH);
     	tcsetattr(fd_serial, TCSANOW, &tty);

	// min 03 73
	// max 4a 7c

	unsigned char out[6];
	out[0] = 0x80;      // start byte
        out[1] = 0x01;      // deviceid (1=servo)
        out[2] = 0x04;      // 2=7bit position
        out[3] = 0x00;
	out[4] = 0x03;      // max 0x03-0x4a
	out[5] = 0x73; 
	write(fd_serial, out, 6);
	tcflush(fd_serial, TCIFLUSH);

	out[0] = 0x80;      // start byte
        out[1] = 0x01;      // deviceid (1=servo)
        out[2] = 0x04;      // 2=7bit position
        out[3] = 0x00;
	out[4] = 0x4a;      // max 0x03-0x4a
	out[5] = 0x73; 
	write(fd_serial, out, 6);
	tcflush(fd_serial, TCIFLUSH);

	tcsetattr(fd_serial, TCSANOW, &oldtty);
	return 0;

any suggestions?


I don’t know what your message “setting to 49” is supposed to mean, but it looks like you tried to set it to 0x4a*128+0x73 which is 9587, outside of the 500-5500 range of the servo controller.


I just noticed that your initial value evaluates to 499, which is also outside of the allowed range - that probably just caused the servo to turn on.

By the way, you could easily break a servo by trying to set it to a location outside of its mechanical limit! I recommend you test over a safe range until you understand what you are doing!


The setting to message is just some debug info, don’t bother …

ok so my calculations are wrong …

so if i want to set it to value 1000
i would need to set
byte 4 tot 0x07 and byte 5 to 0x68

and for a value of 3000
4= 0x17
5= 0x38

if i use these values its still not moving …

Those numbers match the hex values, but 1000 is still not a safe range for an initial servo test. The safe range for servos is general 1-2ms, which would correspond to 2000-4000 in the units of your servo controller.

Anyway, if it still does not work, please simplify your code as much as possible - it wastes everyone’s time if you tell me that there are parts that I am supposed to ignore, and there is always a chance that those parts could be causing the problem. Verify that you are still having the problem with your simplified code and tell me what the problem is exactly - does it always accept the first command? Does it move to different positions depending on what you put in the first command? Do you have to reset the controller or just re-run the program to send it to a new position?


ok the problem is still there

does it always accept the first command?
=> the servo always responds to the first command

Does it move to different positions depending on what you put in the first command?
=> it moves to the center position when i send the first 2 bytes, it seems its just turning the servo on, and is not doing a thing

Do you have to reset the controller or just re-run the program to send it to a new position?
=> the second time i run the program, the servo is already at the center position so its not doing anything

Also, can you describe how you configured the controller for Pololu mode?


Ok, stupid me,

i forgot to remove the jumper, the controller was still in the other mode

Great! That is probably a good thing, anyway, since you could have destroyed your servo if it had recognized the commands.
