Pololu 1477 Stepper and 3730 8711-driver, cable order

Totally new, bear with me.

I’ve been trying to get something out from the motor, first with step+dir, later with SPI, but nothing (arduino nano every ).

This is from motor 3730


I was trying to look for correct pin order between driver and the motor.

I found something similar, colours are from derived from both pictures.

To control this with the A4988, connect stepper leads A (Black) and C (Green) to board outputs 1A and 1B, respectively, and stepper leads B (Red) and D (Blue) to board outputs 2A and 2B,

This is from the 3730 description:

AOUT1 Motor output: positive end of phase A coil.
AOUT2 Motor output: negative end of phase A coil.
BOUT1 Motor output: positive end of phase B coil.
BOUT2 Motor output: negative end of phase B coil.

The end result is wrong way around compared to this picture from 3730 homepage Pololu High-Power Stepper Motor Driver 36v4

Any idea, anyone?

This is the current version of pin order.

Any idea if this should work?
yellow/blue 8.2v/gnd is tested.


Yes, your stepper motor connections should be fine. The main factor is making sure the wires from the same coil are connected to the same output channel as each other (e.g. black and green should go to either AOUT1 and AOUT2 or BOUT1 and BOUT2, and the same goes for the red and blue wires). Swapping the pairs or which wire from each pair goes to which output (i.e. AOUT# or BOUT#) will just affect the direction that the motor rotates.

Please note that the #3730 High-Power Stepper Motor Driver 36v4 requires SPI configuration on start-up, even if you just want to use the STEP/DIR interface. If you haven’t already, you might consider referencing our BasicStepping.ino example from our High-Power Stepper Motor Driver library for Arduino. If you’re doing that and still not getting any signs of life, you might consider reworking your solder joints. It’s hard to tell from your picture, but it looks like some of the joints might not be wetting properly to the pad (especially on the logic side of the board). Adafruit’s Guide to Excellent Soldering is a good resource for identifying potential soldering problems if you’re new.


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Thanks, we finally got it moving.

As Brandon got it, some of the solders were partial. They beeped on Fluke but then again motor only worked if there was some twist on the hard cables.

Some friendly suggestions to other newcomers, skip soldering if possible and use pin headers, with ribbon cable ( don’t come loose accidentally ), and use terminal connectors

… to connect to other wires.