I made a line follower. It definetly seems like it is trying to follow the line but it wont do the curves correctly. It cant make a close turn and that causes it to lose the line.
The track seems like it could be followable by a line follower.
I’ve been tuning the Kp and the motor speeds for some days and I haven’t gotten any closer to a solution
Here’s a photo of the track:
As for my motor circuit, it is an L293B HBridge. The PWM pins go to the enable pins and the m1b and m2b go to the inputs
Here’s my code:
#include <QTRSensors.h>
#define KP 0.20
#define KD 0
#define KI 0
#define M1_DEFAULT_SPEED 70
#define M2_DEFAULT_SPEED 70
#define M1_MAX_SPEED 120
#define M2_MAX_SPEED 120
#define NUM_SENSORS 8
#define TIMEOUT 2500
#define EMITTER_PIN 12
#define DEBUG 0
//Crea objeto para 8 sensores QTR-8RC, en los pins 2-9. (PORTD, entradas)
QTRSensorsRC qtrrc((unsigned char[]) {
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
unsigned int sensorValues[NUM_SENSORS];
int pwmA = 10;
int pwmB = 11;
int m2B = A5;
int m1B = A3;
int lastError = 0;
int lastProportional = 0;
int integral = 0;
void set_motors(int motor1speed, int motor2speed)
if (motor1speed > M1_MAX_SPEED)
motor1speed = M1_MAX_SPEED;
if (motor2speed > M2_MAX_SPEED)
motor2speed = M2_MAX_SPEED;
if (motor1speed < 0)
motor1speed = 0;
if (motor2speed < 0)
motor2speed = 0;
digitalWrite(m1B, HIGH);
digitalWrite(m2B, HIGH);
analogWrite(pwmA, motor1speed);
analogWrite(pwmB, motor2speed);
void calibration()
pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(13, HIGH);
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
digitalWrite(13, LOW);
void setup()
pinMode(pwmA, OUTPUT);
pinMode(pwmB, OUTPUT);
set_motors(0, 0);
void loop()
int position = qtrrc.readLine(sensorValues, QTR_EMITTERS_ON, 1);
int error = position - 3500;
int turn = (KP * error) + (KI * integral) + (KD * (error - lastError));
integral += error;
lastError = error;
int leftMotorSpeed = M1_DEFAULT_SPEED + turn;
int rightMotorSpeed = M2_DEFAULT_SPEED - turn;
set_motors(leftMotorSpeed, rightMotorSpeed);