Multi VL53L0x shutdown

Dear All,

We use 4 VL53L0x sensor in our robot . VL53L0x are controlled by Arduino mega and give us digital signal to our main card. When we take huge power from gel battery , VL53l0x were shutdown and do not read anything .Our code Below

#include <Wire.h>

#include <VL53L0X.h>


//#define XSHUT_pin6 not required for address change

#define solXSHUT_pini 19

#define onsolXSHUT_pini 18

#define onsagXSHUT_pini 16

#define sagXSHUT_pini 17


#define sol10 4

#define sol75 5


#define onsol 6

#define onsag 8


#define sag75 7

#define sag10 9 


//ADDRESS_DEFAULT 0b0101001 or 41

//#define onsagSensor_newAddress 41 not required address change

#define onsolSensorAdresi 42

#define sagSensorAdresi 43

#define solSensorAdresi 44


VL53L0X onsagSensor;

VL53L0X onsolSensor;

VL53L0X sagSensor;

VL53L0X solSensor;


/********* Mesafe parametreleri **********/

const int ENGELMESAFE_ON = 500;

const int ENGELMESAFE_YAN = 100;

const int ENGELMESAFE_YAN_DONUS = 500;


int engeller[] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};


void setup()


  //Shutdown pins of VL53L0X ACTIVE-LOW-ONLY NO TOLERANT TO 5V will fry them

  pinMode(onsagXSHUT_pini, OUTPUT);

  pinMode(onsolXSHUT_pini, OUTPUT);

  pinMode(sagXSHUT_pini, OUTPUT);

  pinMode(solXSHUT_pini, OUTPUT);






  //Change address of sensor and power up next one


  pinMode(solXSHUT_pini, INPUT);




  pinMode(sagXSHUT_pini, INPUT);




  pinMode(onsolXSHUT_pini, INPUT);




  pinMode(onsagXSHUT_pini, INPUT);













  // Start continuous back-to-back mode (take readings as

  // fast as possible).  To use continuous timed mode

  // instead, provide a desired inter-measurement period in

  // ms (e.g. sensor.startContinuous(100)).






  /**** tanimlar *****/

  pinMode(onsag, OUTPUT);

  pinMode(onsol, OUTPUT);


  pinMode(sag10, OUTPUT);

  pinMode(sol10, OUTPUT);


  pinMode(sag75, OUTPUT);

  pinMode(sol75, OUTPUT);


  digitalWrite(onsol, LOW);

  digitalWrite(onsag, LOW);

  digitalWrite(sag10, LOW);

  digitalWrite(sol10, LOW);

  digitalWrite(sag75, LOW);

  digitalWrite(sol75, LOW);



void loop()


  //sensorler okurken hatalı okumasına onlem olarak 2 defa okunuyor

  int engellerOkuma1[] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};  // sol10,sol75,onSol,onSag,sag75,sag10

  int engellerOkuma2[] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};




  int solMesafe = solSensor.readRangeContinuousMillimeters();


  int onsolMesafe = onsolSensor.readRangeContinuousMillimeters();


  int onsagMesafe = onsagSensor.readRangeContinuousMillimeters();


  int sagMesafe = sagSensor.readRangeContinuousMillimeters();

//  delay(1);



  Serial.print("solM_1: ");


  Serial.print("\t onsolM_1: ");


  Serial.print("\t onsagM_1: ");


  Serial.print("\t sagM_1: ");



  if (solMesafe > 0 && solMesafe < ENGELMESAFE_YAN)

    engellerOkuma1[0] = 1; //sol10


  if (solMesafe > ENGELMESAFE_YAN && solMesafe < ENGELMESAFE_YAN_DONUS)

    engellerOkuma1[1] = 1; //sol75


  if (onsolMesafe > 0 && onsolMesafe < ENGELMESAFE_ON)

    engellerOkuma1[2] = 1; //onSol


  if (onsagMesafe > 0 && onsagMesafe < ENGELMESAFE_ON)

    engellerOkuma1[3] = 1; //onSag


  if (sagMesafe > ENGELMESAFE_YAN && sagMesafe < ENGELMESAFE_YAN_DONUS)

    engellerOkuma1[4] = 1; //sag75 


  if (sagMesafe > 0 && sagMesafe < ENGELMESAFE_YAN)

    engellerOkuma1[5] = 1; //sag10


  solMesafe = solSensor.readRangeContinuousMillimeters();


  onsolMesafe = onsolSensor.readRangeContinuousMillimeters();


  onsagMesafe = onsagSensor.readRangeContinuousMillimeters();


  sagMesafe = sagSensor.readRangeContinuousMillimeters();



//  Serial.print("solM_2: ");

//  Serial.print(solMesafe);

//  Serial.print("\t onsolM_2: ");

//  Serial.print(onsolMesafe);

//  Serial.print("\t onsagM_2: ");

//  Serial.print(onsagMesafe);

//  Serial.print("\t sagM_2: ");

//  Serial.println(sagMesafe);


  if (solMesafe > 0 && solMesafe < ENGELMESAFE_YAN)

    engellerOkuma2[0] = 1; //sol10


  if (solMesafe > 0 && solMesafe < ENGELMESAFE_YAN_DONUS)

    engellerOkuma2[1] = 1; //sol75


  if (onsolMesafe > 0 && onsolMesafe < ENGELMESAFE_ON)

    engellerOkuma2[2] = 1; //onSol


  if (onsagMesafe > 0 && onsagMesafe < ENGELMESAFE_ON)

    engellerOkuma2[3] = 1; //onSag


  if (sagMesafe > 0 && sagMesafe < ENGELMESAFE_YAN_DONUS)

    engellerOkuma2[4] = 1; //sag75 


  if (sagMesafe > 0 && sagMesafe < ENGELMESAFE_YAN)

    engellerOkuma2[5] = 1; //sag10


//  Serial.print("engeller: [");


  for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++)


    if (engellerOkuma1[j] == engellerOkuma2[j])


      engeller[j] = engellerOkuma1[j];

//      Serial.print(engeller[j]);

//      Serial.print(" , ");




      engeller[j] = 0; //bence 0 yani engel yok olmali




  digitalWrite(sol10, engeller[0]);

  digitalWrite(sol75, engeller[1]);


  digitalWrite(onsol, engeller[2]);

  digitalWrite(onsag, engeller[3]);


  digitalWrite(sag75, engeller[4]);

  digitalWrite(sag10, engeller[5]);




I am having trouble understanding your problem. Could you post pictures of your system that show how your system and how the sensors are connected? It would be helpful if you could post a video that illustrates the problem.

I looked through your code a little and it appears that you are initializing the sensors correctly. It is difficult for me to follow the rest of your code, though; it looks like you are controlling some other peripherals and I cannot translate all of your comments and variable names. As a general troubleshooting step, you might try simplifying your code and testing a few parts of your system at a time to see if you can isolate the problem.


You can find at picture.
Arduino gives digital output signal to other card with optos when sensors see object in 50 cm

Problem: when other high power DC motor starts to work and arduino did not read sensor , Arduino works but sensors do not.
Sensor is stopped by starting effect reason we think dc motor taking huge power from gel battery . . Sensor contacted to Arduino by flat cable.

The I2C bus is originally designed for inter-chip communication on a single PCB and if you have long wires in your system, it is not particularly robust when dealing with the kind of electrical noise that high power DC motors can produce. This Hackaday article has a good overview of the types of issues that can happen using I2C over longer wires.

One of our customers reports solving an electrical noise issue by using shielded signal cable to connect some VL53L0X sensors in this forum post.
