MOTORON M3S550 + Arduino (not working)


I’m having issues with my Motoron M3S550: the motors are not moving, even though the connections appear to be correct and the device is detected on the I²C bus.

Hardware and Connections:**

  • Base Board:
    • I tested with two boards: Arduino Uno R4 WiFi and Arduino Uno R3. The results were the same on both.
  • Motoron: M3S550 connected to:
    • SDA (A4) and SCL (A5) on the Arduino Uno R3.
    • SDA (Pin 20) and SCL (Pin 21) on the Arduino Uno R4 WiFi.
  • Motoron Power Supply:
    • VIN: 12V from an external power source.
    • GND: Shared between the external power supply, the Motoron, and the Arduino.
  • Motor: A DC motor connected to terminals M1A and M1B.
  • The Motoron’s power LED is on, and there are no visible error indicators.


  1. The Motoron is detected on the I²C bus at address 0x10:
  • I used an I²C scanner and confirmed that the device responds at the correct address.
  1. The program enters the loop cycle correctly:
  • I can see the messages "FORWARD" and "STOP" in the Serial Monitor, so it seems like the code is executing as expected.

Code Used:

Here’s the latest program I tested:


Copiar código

#include <Motoron.h>
#include <Wire.h>

// Initialize Motoron controller at I2C address 0x10
MotoronI2C mc(0x10);

void setup()

  Serial.println("Scanning I2C bus...");

  // Scan I2C bus for devices
  bool deviceFound = false;
  for (byte address = 1; address < 127; ++address)
    if (Wire.endTransmission() == 0)
      Serial.print("Device found at address: 0x");
      Serial.println(address, HEX);
      if (address == 0x10)
        deviceFound = true; // Motoron detected at the correct address

  if (!deviceFound)
    Serial.println("Motoron not detected at address 0x10. Check connections.");
    while (1); // Stop the program if Motoron is not detected
    Serial.println("Motoron detected. Starting configuration...");

  // Reset the Motoron and configure motor 1
  mc.disableCommandTimeout(); // Disable command timeout
  mc.clearResetFlag();        // Clear reset flag to avoid errors

  // Configure acceleration and deceleration for motor 1
  mc.setMaxAcceleration(1, 255);
  mc.setMaxDeceleration(1, 255);

  Serial.println("Configuration completed. Moving motor...");

void loop()
  // Move motor 1 forward
  mc.setSpeed(1, 500); // Positive speed
  delay(2000);         // Wait for 2 seconds

  // Stop the motor
  mc.setSpeed(1, 0);   // Zero speed (motor stopped)
  delay(2000);         // Wait for 2 seconds before repeating

What doesn’t work:

  • Even though the code seems to run correctly and the Motoron is detected, the motors do not move.

What I’ve tried:

  1. I double-checked all physical connections and confirmed they are correct.
  2. I tested the DC motor directly with the power supply, and it works.
  3. I tested with both an Arduino Uno R4 WiFi and an Arduino Uno R3, with the same result.
  4. I used mc.getErrorMask() to check for errors, but I did not get any non-zero values.

I’d appreciate any help diagnosing and resolving this issue. Are there additional steps I should try or something I might be overlooking?

Thank you in advance!


It sounds like you might not be providing logic power to your Motoron’s IOREF pin. If that’s the case, could you try powering it from the 5V pin on your Arduino? (Please note that this connection should already be getting made if you’re mounting it on top of the Arduino as a shield.)

If that does not fix the problem, could you post some pictures of your setup that show all of your connections?
