Jrk 21v3 motor controller

Can I use a Hall’s Effect potentiometer with this controller ?


Maybe - the jrk just requires a 0-5V analog voltage source as a control input or feedback sensor. Do you have a link to the datasheet or a specific part number?


Here is the spec sheet.
HRS100SSAB090-Honeywell.pdf (51.1 KB)


Thanks for the datasheet. I think that this device will work with the jrk, since I expect the output to vary from 0-5V like a normal potentiometer. I recommend not using the “Detect disconnect with AUX” option, because constantly cycling power to this device could possibly damage it. You can still power the pot with the AUX pin, which will allow the jrk to turn off the potentiometer and save power when operating under USB power if the host computer goes to sleep.


I’m using this with an rc radio.