Issue running Servo and Dual VNH5019 MC

I’m using this motor controller to power a basic tank robot, and I’m now trying to add a servo to it to give it some more functionality. When I added the Servo to my code the Motor Controller refused to work correctly, not outputting any current or changing the colors of the indicator LEDs. I traced the issue to the servo.attack(pin); command. I attached the servo to pins that were listed as unused on the Pololu site and this issue still occurred. Is there a fix for this? Thanks.


Hello, JM.

It issue sounds like a library conflict. Which Arduino board are you using? Please note that the Arduino Servo library and the Arduino library for the VNH5019 shield both use Timer 1 on the Arduino Uno, so they cannot be used together. You might try using the code in the “Controlling a servo with an Arduino Uno” section in the Zumo Shield for Arduino User’s Guide or finding another servo library for Arduino that uses a different timer.

- Amanda

The timer issue would explain it. I’ll look into that tomorrow at work, thank you for your help.


I’m running into an issue when using the code you directed me to on that link. I added it into my program, however the line in ‘setup’ that initializes the servo is causing an issue with another part of my program. I am getting input from an external source using the pulseIn command, typically it outputs values between 1000 and 2000, however the addition of this code has made it so I only read inputs of about 1400, and it does not change when it should. Do you know what might be causing this issue?


I don’t have a good sense of what’s going on in your program. Can you post your entire code here?

- Amanda

I can’t post my code right now, but the basic issue is that after adding in the code to run a servo using Timer 2 I am unable to properly use the pulseIn(); code on digital pins that aren’t mentioned in the servo code you linked. Is there something in the servo code that modifies how the pulseIn command will work?

I was able to solve this issue. The code was skewing the inputs I was receiving, however, it was constant so I was able to remap the values. I really appreciate the servo code you showed me.