Dual VNH5019 Obstacle avoiding help


good work. I’m doing Obstacle avoiding with vnh5019. But I have not found which pins to use for the servo and hc sr04 on the new vnh5019 card I bought.
You help me with this. I could not find any Obstacle avoiding done with 1 uno + vnh5019 + servo + hc-sr04 sensor. please help me.


We do not have any examples for using the Dual VNH5019 Motor Driver Shield for Arduino with a servo and the HC SR04 ultrasonic distance sensor.

From your description, it is not clear what you are having trouble with. If you are trying to find the Arduino pin mappings for the dual VNH5019 shield, there is a table under the “Shield Connections” section in its user’s guide that displays the pin mapping between the Arduino and the VNH5019 along with descriptions. If that is not your question, please ask a more specific question and provide more details about your setup (e.g. post pictures).

By the way, (if you do not already know) the Arduino library for the dual VNH5019 shield uses Timer 1 to generate PWM signals, so if you are using the Arduino Servo library, which also uses Timer 1, you will run into conflicts when trying to use them together. You might try using the code in the “Controlling a servo” section of the Zumo Shield User’s Guide.

Also, since your setup consists of multiple components, I recommend focusing on getting one part (e.g. servo) to work with the dual VNH5019 shield first, before moving on.

- Amanda

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Have a nice day.

First of all thank you for your help.

My english is too weak to speak.
thank you for your understanding.
I really wish you help.

What I am trying to do is a code that will turn on the polvu dual VNH5019, with 2 motors, 1 servo and 1 ultrasonic sensor, stopping motor 1 and 2, go around the sensor and servo and go to free space.
You are professional people in this regard. I am a person who has just started and does not fully understand the logic of the code. I really want your help for this. please

I’m throwing to you the code I made with another motor shield before. This code stops when the vehicle is obstructed and turns the ultrasonic sensor with the servo. If the field is empty, go to the empty direction by making u turn.

You could fix this code for dual vnh5019. Please.:ağlamak:

// Motor Shield Connections						
// Servo Connections					
//	Brown	SER1 -			
//	Red	SER1 +			
//	Orange	SER1 S			
// HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Module					
//	Vcc	+5V			
//	Trig	A4			
//	Echo	A5			
//	GND			
// Motor 1
// LEFT motor (looking from rear to the robot
// This motor will need the inline connector and some wire extensions to reach the terminals
// Black wire to left M1 terminal
// Red wire to right motor terminal
// Motor 2
// RIGHT motor (looking from rear to the robot
// This motor will need the inline connector and some wire extensions to reach the terminals
// Black wire to RIGHT M1 terminal
// Red wire to LEFT motor terminal
// 6V 4 x AA Battery Box 
// Connect to Blue ternminal marked EXT_PWR
// Be very careful - do NOT connect the RED wire to GND or you could destroy the motor board
// +6 V (Red wire)   M+
// GND (Black wire)  GND

// Ultrasonic sensor

#include <NewPing.h>

#define TRIG_PIN  A4  
#define ECHO_PIN  A5

#define MAX_DISTANCE 200 // Maximum distance we want to ping for (in centimeters). Maximum sensor distance is rated at 400-500cm.

NewPing sonar(TRIG_PIN, ECHO_PIN, MAX_DISTANCE); // NewPing setup of pin and maximum distance.

float dangerThreshold = 20.0; // 20 cm - depends on the floor surface and speed setting
// Servo

#include <Servo.h> 

#define LEFT 180
#define CENTER 90
#define RIGHT 0

Servo ultrasonicServo;  // create servo object to control a servo 
int currentPos = 0;    // variable to store the servo position 

// Motors
#include <AFMotor.h>

AF_DCMotor motor1(1);
AF_DCMotor motor2(2);

// PWM motor control settings applied to ENABLE1, ENABLE2

#define STOP 0
#define SLOW 150
#define MEDIUM 200
#define FAST 255

// run motor at this speed - set to a number between 128 and 255
// less than 128 any the motors may not have enough torque to move
// (of course you could enhance the speed control to accelerate/decelerate when more/less clear space available as indicated by ping)
int throttle = FAST;

// setup
void setup() {
    // setup motor

    // setup servo
    ultrasonicServo.attach(10,650,1075);  // attaches the servo on pin 5 to the servo object
    // move servo to center 

// main loop - note that the loop itself does not block (no waiting in the loop)
// functions that need to block (complete before continuing the main loop) need to manage their own delays
// the algorithm used is designed to be simple to understand - you can go on to make this much more sophisticated
// guiding the steering to veer away before getting into danger for example
// and accelerating from a stop and decelerating as you get closer to objects
// and of course you could use more ultrasonic detectors, IR sensors etc. to really fine tune your robot's operation

void loop() {
    float distanceForward = ping();
    if (distanceForward > dangerThreshold) //if path is clear
    else // if path is blocked
        freewheel();  // see if we can implment faster stop
        // look left
        float distanceLeft = ping();
        // look right
        float distanceRight = ping();
        // re-center the ultrasonic
        // go the least obstructed way
        if (distanceLeft > distanceRight && distanceLeft > dangerThreshold)       //if left is less obstructed 
        else if (distanceRight > distanceLeft && distanceRight > dangerThreshold) //if right is less obstructed 
        else // equally blocked or less than danger threshold left or right

// You may need to vary the delays in the drive functions to enable the function to complete

void freewheel(){

void brake(){
    delay(100); // braking time

void drive_forward(){

void drive_backward(){

void turn_left(){

void turn_right(){

void rotate_left(){

void rotate_right(){

void u_turn(){
    delay(700); // twice as long as rotate right to end up 180 degrees around

// servo control

//void servo_position(int newPos){
//    if (newPos > currentPos){
//        for(int pos=currentPos; pos < newPos; pos += 1)  // goes from 0 degrees to 180 degrees 
//        {                                                // in steps of 1 degree 
//            ultrasonicServo.write(pos);                  // tell servo to go to position in variable 'pos' 
//            delay(15);                                   // waits 15ms for the servo to reach the position 
//        }
//        currentPos = newPos;  
//    }
//    else if (newPos < currentPos){
//        for(int pos=currentPos; pos > newPos; pos -= 1)  // goes from 0 degrees to 180 degrees 
//        {                                                // in steps of 1 degree 
//            ultrasonicServo.write(pos);                  // tell servo to go to position in variable 'pos' 
//            delay(15);                                   // waits 15ms for the servo to reach the position 
//        }
//        currentPos = newPos;  
//    }  

void servo_position(int newPos){

// ultrasonic ping

float ping(){
    delay(50);                        // Wait 50ms between pings (about 20 pings/sec). 29ms should be the shortest delay between pings.
    unsigned int uS = sonar.ping();   // Send ping, get ping time in microseconds (uS).
    if (uS == 0)                      // out of range (0 = outside set distance range, no ping echo)
        return MAX_DISTANCE;
    else                              // in range
        return uS / US_ROUNDTRIP_CM;  // Convert ping time to distance 

We cannot write your program for you. However, if you try writing some code and run into problems, you can post your code here with a detailed explanation of what you expect your code to do and what it is actually doing, and I would be happy to look at it.

If you have not already done so, I recommend trying to get the base of your robot to work first, particularly getting the dual VNH5019 shield to work with your Arduino Uno. You can start by using and modifying the demo code in the DualVNH5019MotorShield library. Once you have a solid foundation for your obstacle avoidance robot, you can start adding more features like your rotating sensor.