Hi there,
I am working on a project involving individual sensor fusion on multiples MinIMU 9 (v5) (I already asked some questions on this forum here).
The project is going on slowly (because of the time I can spend weekly on this), as I grew from 1 sensor to 4 (and hopefully will be able to go to 9 as soon as this very problem will be fixed.) For this purpose I’ve used a Adafruit TCA9548a to connect all my MinIMU 9 to my Arduino Uno board. (via I2C)
I’ve come through weird drift issues lately on the most High level part of the project (Bone orientation visualisation, on the open source 3D software Blender) and I’ve found after debugging all my readings that it may be because my Magnetometers readings are…
always the same. I’ve tried to use only 3, 2, 1, nothing changes. Raw values are “-100” for either X, Y, Z on one of them. On another one, it’s “25008, -32536, 11508”. I dug into the code and found no culprit. Thinking about this, I think it may be since I’ve added the TCA multiplexer, but I couldn’t find why it would do this.
Does anyone here could help me troubleshoot what could be causing this ? I can obviously provide code & pictures if needed !
Thanks in advance