Connecting a servo to multiple maestro boards

Hi all,

i am using the maestro bords to animate some robots. but i wat to connect a servo to multible meastro boards.
and turn them on and off for the program that i need.

how can i connect the signal servo to mutible boards? if i do this now i got some weird responses.
A servo wil move even when there is no board on power.
i did split the signal wire from the servo to mutible boards. and there is only one board on at a time.
i do have the boards en the servo on different power supplies.

must i put someting between the boards or the signal wire from the servo?

sorry for my bad english.(dutch)


Hello, Leon.

I do not see any obvious issues with providing the servo with a signal from multiple Maestros provided only one is powered/running at a time. From your description, it sounds like you might only have the signal wire connected to the servo and do not have a common ground. If that is the case, adding a common ground might fix the problems you’re having.

Out of curiosity, is there a particular reason why you are using multiple Maestros instead of just using one with separate programs/sequences/subroutines for each animation sequence?
