Book reference

I’m thinking about getting this book

Just wondering if anyone had opinions about it.




It looks interesting. I think it’s a good book for you if you’re interested in learning how to do low-level AVR development. If you just want to get started with AVRs, however, you might want to first just try playing around with libraries that take care of the low-level stuff for you and provide you with a nice, high-level interface. For example, our AVR C/C++ library gives you functions for interfacing with all of the hardware on the Orangutan and a lot of sample programs showing how it works. Are you already familiar with C?

- Ben

Yes, I’ve been a software developer for 20+ years, mostly C/C++, and the pololu library looks very good. However I don’t understand some of the concepts used, how the address pin macros work, and so forth, so I thought I’d need a little more understanding of the hardware.




I would not recommend that book (we have it). It has been a while (maybe five years or more), so I don’t remember the details, but I remember not being impressed. It’s now ten years old, which is a lot for this kind of thing.

- Jan

I know it might seem a little intimidating at first, but the AVR datasheets are a good resource if you want to understand the hardware better (and our library source code is available if you want to see examples of low-level control of various hardware peripherals). You are also welcome to post specific questions here. Also, this thread might be interesting to you if you’re looking for a book recommendation:

- Ben

Well, that’s good to know, thanks.


Well, the data sheets are more opaque to me than intimidating. I’ve been looking up words and terms on the net as I read through them and that’s helped some. I’m just feeling like I should be more systematic about this.

I’ll check out the thread, thanks


You’re welcome to ask questions here about anything in the datasheet you find confusing. The discussions might help others who are trying to get started.

- Ben