Xbee series 1, Arduino, serial data transmit and receive

I want to get sensor data from a remote xbee by using an IS (forced sample) api command. The rcvr (xbee1) is connected to an arduino mega. The xmtr is xbee2 (sensors) Try as I might, and reading Jon Titus’ book on xbees, I’ve had no luck. My goal is to force a sample transmission with the IS command. Take this data and parse it out for the sensor bytes. My ultimate goal is to have 4 independent xbees sending sensor data to the receiving xbee attached to the arduino. Can you please help me? Here is my code.

/* If there is no data in the reciever buffer an "H" prints out.  I can't seem to get data into
the buffer as the result of this program is a printing of the "H". 
   Materials:  2 xbee series 1 in API mode, factory settings.  Do--D3 are activated on xbee2 (sensors are here)
                   1 arduino mega.  Mega Serial 0 Tx connected to xbee1 Din
                                                                 Rx connected to xbee1 Dout
                   1 logic level converter bi directional 3.3 to 5 volts between xbee1 and mega

byte IScmd[] = {0x7E,0x00,0x0F,0x17,0x53,0x00,0x13,0xA2,0x00,        //API command byte, from the mega to Xbee1 then transmitted to xbee2, I S (49,53) equals forced sample
byte Rcvd[27];  // array; data received from xbee2.  Using D0,D1,D2,D3 on xbee2

void setup()
  Serial.begin(9600);  //using arduino mega to avoid any serial write/read conflicts

void loop()
     for(int x = 0; x < 19; x++)   //sends the command byte from mega to xbee#1 which transmits to xbee#2
  while(Serial.available() == 0) //program stops here if nothing in buffer.
      Serial.print("H"); //lets me know nothing is there yet.
  if(Serial.available() >= 20) //data is in the buffer and  waits until a mouthful of data in the buffer to read
      if(Serial.read() == 0x7E)
          for(int n=1; n< 27; n++)  // reads the bytes from Xbee#2 into the array Rcvd
               Rcvd[n] = Serial.read();
    for(int i = 1; i<27; i++)
         Serial1.print(Rcvd [i],HEX);   //prints the bytes from Rcvd array


Our experience with the Xbee is very limited. You might try posting this on the Arduino Forum for help.

- Jeremy