OpenSCAD file for micrometal gear motor bracket

I’m designing an enclosure in OpenSCAD for a robot project, which I will get 3D printed. I want the enclosure to hold two pololu micrometal gearmotors, but unfortunately the design doesn’t suit using the pololu brackets.
Does anyone by any chance have an OpenSCAD file for a holder/bracket for these motors? (I did find the step file, but wasn’t able to make use of that).
If not I’ll get the calipers out and figure it out!

Ok … I just sketched up some OpenSCAD code for this and figured I’d post it here in case it’s useful to someone else. Also feel free to suggest any improvements/fixes.

I would recommend just using the pololu brackets if your design supports that!


// OpenSCAD code to allow mounting of a polulu micro-metal gearmotor.
// The main module is pmm_gearmotor_hole.
// This can be used with difference() to leave a hole where a pololu micro-metal gearmotor
// would fit.  Of course you would need to split what is left behind into two halves somehow
// (vertically or horizontally), so the motor could actually be inserted.  Then those two halves
// could be joined together somehow, eg with screws and nuts.
// This allows for a specified 'gap' all the way around, which likely depends on the 
// accuracy of the 3D printer used.
// NOTE: this hasn't been tested yet and likely needs fixes/tweaks following a 3D print test.

// Cuts out a curved section:

module pmm_cutout(diameter, width, depth, height, offset, gap, fn) {
    difference() {
        translate([-width, 0, -height])
            cube([width + gap, depth, height + gap]);
        x_center = -offset - diameter / 2;
        y_center = -offset - diameter / 2;
        depth2 = depth + 2 * gap;
        translate([x_center, -gap, y_center])
            rotate([-90, 0, 0])
            cylinder(d = diameter, h = depth2, $fn = fn);

        translate([-width-gap, -gap, -height-gap])
            cube([width - offset + gap, depth2, height - offset - diameter/2 + gap]);

        translate([-width-gap, -gap, -height-gap])
            cube([width - offset - diameter/2 + gap, depth2, height - offset + gap]);

// Creates hole for gearmotor:

module pmm_gearmotor_hole(
    gap=0.2, // the extra tolerance all around the hole.  Also used as an overhang for any part that will be subtracted with difference().
    fn=100   // accuracy of cylinders
    ) {

    frame_width       = 11.9  + 2 * gap;
    frame_height      =  9.9  + 2 * gap;
    frame_depth       =  9.0  + 2 * gap;
    frame_thickness   =  0.75 + 2 * gap;     // thickness of brass plates
    frame_void_depth1 =  4.2  - 2 * gap;     // depth of wider void with gears, closer to shaft
    frame_void_depth2 = frame_depth - frame_void_depth1 - (3 * frame_thickness); // depth of narrower void with gears, closer to motor

    spacer_diameter1  = 3.0 + 2 * gap;       // diameter of narrower brass spacers, closer to shaft
    spacer_diameter2  = 3.2 + 2 * gap;       // diameter of wider brass spacers, closer to motor
    spacer_offset1    = 0.6;                 // distance from edge to narrower brass spacers, closer to shaft
    spacer_offset2    = 0.5;                 // distance from edge to wider brass spacers, closer to 
    spacer_width      = 4.0;                 // width of cutout around spacers
    spacer_height     = 3.5;                 // height of cutout around spacers

    motor_depth = 15.25;                     // depth of motor casing 
    motor_curvature_diameter = 5.0 + 2 * gap;

        translate([0, -gap, -gap])
        difference() {

            // solid block we start with:
            translate([-frame_width/2, 0, 0])
                cube([frame_width, frame_depth + motor_depth, frame_height]);

            // carve away four cutouts for the gear section:
            for (corner = [0 : 1]) {
                side = corner == 0 ? 1 : -1;
                up   = corner == 0 ? 1 : 0;
                translate([side * frame_width/2, frame_thickness, up * frame_height])
                    rotate([0, corner * 180, 0])
                    pmm_cutout(spacer_diameter1, spacer_width, frame_void_depth1, spacer_height, spacer_offset1, gap, fn);

                translate([side * frame_width/2, frame_thickness * 2 + frame_void_depth1, up * frame_height])
                    rotate([0, corner * 180, 0])
                    pmm_cutout(spacer_diameter2, spacer_width, frame_void_depth2, spacer_height, spacer_offset2, gap, fn);
            // carve away four cutouts for the motor body:

            for (corner = [0 : 3]) {
                side = corner <= 1 ? 1 : -1;
                up   = (corner == 0 || corner == 3) ? 1 : 0;

                translate([side * frame_width/2, frame_depth, up * frame_height])
                    rotate([0, corner * 90, 0]) 
                    pmm_cutout(motor_curvature_diameter, motor_curvature_diameter/2, motor_depth + gap, motor_curvature_diameter/2, 0, gap, fn);


Hello, Dan.

Thank you for sharing. Hopefully some of our other customers will find that helpful.

- Grant